Filth (2013)
The Plot Detective Bruce Robertson is a Scottish policeman whose marriage hinges on a promotion. All that stands in his way are his fellow detectives whom he must beat out for the job. Robertson spends more time discovering and exploiting his co-workers weaknesses than fighting actual crime, which tells you all you need to know about our hero. Though he's a manipulative, insensitive scumbag, he still manages to be a compelling protagonist in ways that are hard to explain, though he is a tad difficult to relate to. Bruce struggles through addiction and various other trauatic mental roadblocks as he cuts as many throats as need be to earn his promotion and win back his beautiful wife. Unfortunately, as he draws closer to his promotion, he drifts farther and farther from his sanity. He's going down in flames and plans to drag everyone down with him.
My TakeFilth is a shocking rollercoaster through sex, drugs and insanity. Considering most people probably haven't heard of it, I sure as hell hadn't, it is an unexpected cinematic gem. The characters are excellent, the acting is good, and the soundtrack is inspiring. Detective Bruce Robertson's downward spiral is just entertaining.
Usually I like to make fun of movies, but in this case, I just want people to know how awesome this one is.
The Verdict
Facking watch it!
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